Beginner email “tripwires”

Some months back I gave a guy a copy critique.

Some months back I gave a guy a copy critique.

It was an email he wrote.

And not too long ago I found the 7 pieces of advice I gave to him which I will also share here.

If you are a beginner, I’m quite sure you will find at least one thing that even if you know about, you could improve on.

This isn’t just something I noticed no this pals copy…

These are also mistakes I made when I was starting out and mistakes I see a lot of people make.


Let’s get into this:


1. Look out for the flow

You don't want your copy to be "blocky". You want it to flow nicely, one sentence into another. A great way to spot the holes in your flow is by reading your copy out loud.

2. Use snappier language

Language that just smacks people. That wakes them up a little. Don’t use this everywhere - it can come of pushy - but it’s great for CTAs and bullets and headlines. A good exercise for this is writing out bullets onto paper.

3. Write more

Most of the things I picked up on were things that could have been said or worded better, but there is no magic trick for that. Just write more. Aim to write every day.

4. Try not to sound repetitive

Don’t use the same words too much. It’s boring.

5. If you promise something, give it to them

If you promise “something”, a solution, you better give it to them too.

6. Never blame them

Don't blame the reader. Blame anyone else, just not him(at least most of the time). It will lead him to question himself and all that bullcrap will distract him.

He may turn on you too.

7. Say what they would say... But not that way…

Keep it natural. Use the things they say and use their language but only if it feels right to do so. Don’t make it cringe and obviously crafted.


That about covers it.

So, what about you?

Have you ever made one of these mistakes? Maybe more? Maybe you are still making them?

If so, no problem. Just aim to work on them more.

Any aspect of your writing can be improved if you only work on it more or put more thought into it.

I hope you found this helpful…

And if you want, reply here with the thing you have the most trouble with out of these 7 and I will give you some advice on how to further improve upon them.

Until then…


Kristof Nemeth.