How to behave your girl’s dog(or your customers)

During the weekend I visited my girl.

I don't know how much you remember from my girl's place because it's been a while since I wrote about it but one crucial thing I can't miss out is that she has a dog. A very young dog, let me add.

What does that mean?

It means that she(the dog is Molly btw) still can't fully behave herself from time to time... Which results in some small trees that are in the garden getting eaten... And flowers just growing out... Also getting nibbed off.


On Saturday we were just about to cut the grass in the garden so we locked her ass up in her "cage"(that sounds barbaric isn't it?), because we didn't want her to hurt herself with the lawn mower.

Just as expected...

She will NOT be on good terms with that thing.


We finished up everything and we went inside leaving her in the cage. Why? Because she was doing everything in her power to get out!

She was howling, barking, and making all kinds of weird noises.

Most people probably would have let her out am I right?

Do you know what would have happened in that case?

She would start to learn - slowly - that if she does a circus and starts howling and barking all her problems will be fixed. She will be let out of the cage. She will get food. And she will get into the house.

Well, we don't want Molly to own us... So we just went inside.

It took her ass a good 30 minutes to fully calm down to the point where she just gave up, laid down, and waited for us. Then, we let her out.

Once she was let out... She was also very calm - something that's rare.

And you know what..?

She is actually really cute when calm.

Btw... All this is very basic. It all comes down to reinforcing the behavior you want the dog(or person) to repeat over and over again. And you don't reinforce the one you don't want them to repeat.

I say "person" because there are use cases this might come in handy... For example...

When dealing with customers.

Yes, they are important and they should be treated with absolutely premium service... but... If they are being just a plain asshole to you and causing you a lot of trouble...

Why would you want to reinforce that?

Think about it...