why Ben Settle regularly CLOGS my inbox…

It’s getting out of hand.

Whenever I open my inbox.

There are 5 new emails from this random guy named Ben Settle(??).

And when he’s doing a launch? Oh boy.

He literally clogs my inbox.

But what’s the reason behind this guy’s manic email bombarding?

Why is he sending so many damn emails?

Well, today I will tell you why.

He has a very good psychology-backed reason to do so.

And if you are on his list you know how many emails he really sends.

Spoiler: A shit ton.

This is how it looks to be a Ben Fan:

From other guys, You may get 1 email a week(on a good week).

From this guy?

You’ll get a month’s worth of emails in a DAY.

And you might think people are mad about this.

Who would they like a guy who regularly clogs their inbox?

No one, right?

But that’s not the deal.

Ben’s business is thriving.

He has a massive fanbase which is growing as we speak.

He is one of the best email marketers to ever live on this planet.

If he is doing something…

You can bet he has a good reason to do so.

So far you know that with sending more emails…

You would sell more. Have a better relationship with your readers. And you would filter out people who don’t like your shit.

But you still don’t know the WHY behind it.

The why behind Ben’s maniac email bombarding and inbox clogging is this:

He needs to stay top of mind.

This way people don’t forget about him.

The more time people spend thinking about him or seeing his name.

The more obsessed they will be about him.

And the more they will start to trust this random inbox clogger named Ben Settle.

Resulting in more $$$ for Ben.

That simple.

‘Till next time

Kristof Nemeth


Before some Ben Fan attacks me - I have nothing against Ben. I love the guy. I love his email, read every single one. And I didn’t write this email to disrespect him.