Break those bloody rules, and make some money

Ergo, this is a Halloween email

As you might know, there was a bloodmoon on Halloween weekend.

And since I was with my girl.

She declared there was no chance we would miss this one. We have to see it.

Sadly, we didn’t manage to see it because it just wasn’t in the mood of turning into red, and we went to sleep.

But I got an idea from it the next day:

Millions of people around the globe take precious time out of their day to watch Blood Moon.

This is obvious since it’s not something you see every day.

But that’s the idea.

How many times in a year do you go out and deliberately watch the moon? Just stand outside and stare at that levitating frying pan.

Zero, right?

Right, because that’s just the plain old moon you see every night.

There’s nothing new, you can simply peek out your window and see it every night.

But not Blood Moon.

Blood Moon is rare. And different.

I mean com’n. A moon, but in red.

And here lies my point:

We live and die for things that are different.

Things that break the norm. And things that don’t give an iota damn about fitting in with the regular.

Matter of fact:

There was a quote made by the great Dan Kennedy himself, which went something like this:

“The more rules you can break, the more money you will make”

I couldn’t agree more.

There is nothing that could make you stand out better and as a result, make you more money than being different.

But don’t believe me.

Believe Dan Kennedy.


I know I’m late with this email, I know Halloween already passed by. But I just got time to write it…