Carefully package and resell your life

I know that feeling…

You look at your Gdoc and see that it’s empty - zero ideas.

You can’t think of anything to post.

One day passes. Two days. Three…

And people slowly start to unfollow you… 1, 2, 5, 12.

I was in that situation.

Battling with my mind to give me more content ideas.

But now? I have a shit load of content.

I have at least a month's worth of tweets and emails.

And I get new ideas daily.

I have a really simple and easy strategy that makes this possible.

And literally, anyone can do it with 3 IQ points.

Here it is:

I contentize(not sure this is a real word lol) my life.

Simply put I do 2 things

1/ I write down ideas mid-day

As I’m working on something or doing something.

I always look for ideas.

And if something pops up, I write it down.

These are just rough ideas, if someone were to look at them they wouldn’t even understand them.

2/ I journal

At the end of the day.

I sit down with a pen and paper and write down what happened to me that day.

If it has a lesson or it is entertaining - I write it down.

For example:

I find something interesting while analyzing a sales page that day.

I write it down. And boom that's a tweet or an email.

“But nothing happens in my life”


Even if you don’t have a life or you just work all day…

Monitor it and I guarantee you can find at least 1 thing you learned that day.

That’s a piece of content.

Or go out somewhere and write about something weird that happened.

That’s the sauce…

…But I have to admit, I have an unfair advantage.

My girlfriend.

I get a lot of ideas when I’m with her lol.

Just to recap:

  • Keep your eyes out for ideas

  • Write down things that happened to you

  • Everything matters, even if it’s small

  • Get a good girlfriend ;)

‘Till next time

-Kristof Nemeth