The consequences on going deep

Most people want the new stuff.

The advice that works “now”. The content that was written now.

I’m kind of the opposite.

What I mean by that is this:

I read a lot of old stuff. Stuff ranging from old ass books, through old ass newsletter to old ass articles.


Because I don’t view it as old. I view it as time tested.

You see, most of the “old” content I consume, let that be anything, is something I got recommended to.

Reason for my love to old content:

I think it offers an education(and entertainment) that’s miles ahead of not just the education you can get from socials like X(which is horrible), but also finer than 99% of the the content that’s written nowadays. I think most of the newsletters, articles and books that are written nowadays are way below in quality and value compared to the older ones.

But that’s not what I wanted to talk about…

Because today I just read one of these older pieces of content.

And that is an interview Clayton Makepeace did with Parris Lampropoulos(thank god this is text and I don’t have to spell his name out).

It was solid gold.

And here’s one from the Christmas wish-list of nuggets I got from this interview:

These two A+ copywriters were talking about a headline Parris wrote:

“How To Undo Years Of Damage Done By Stress”

Ain’t that a bitch of a headline?

It’s short and it packs a huge punch yet there are no over the top claims, no crazy elements and no complexity. It’s just a great idea that makes a great headline.

But it goes so much deeper than that.

Here’s how Clayton continued:

There’s another element to that headline that I think is particularly powerful: Forgiveness for past sins.

I have never heard anyone talk about this yet it makes so much sense.

People have regrets. A lot.

They never started that business they have always wanted to. They said or done something that they shouldn’t have. They quit on their new year resolutions…

All this creates stress that people want to get rid off.

And this idea communicates the perfect opportunity where they can finally get freed from all the consequences and stress of past actions.

That’s what they want. Deep down.

Undo the things they regret.

Undo the past.

This idea demonstrates why you need to dig deep when doing your research and see beyond just what your two eyes see. If you do…

You will find gems like this one.

But if you rather let someone else find these ideas and write your copy for you… Just reply to this email and let’s have a chat about it.

Kristof Nemeth.