- Kristof Nemeth
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- This is what copy turned into?
This is what copy turned into?
Yesterday I visited the Educate website.
You know, Iman Gadzhi's new courses...
I wanted to check out the copy of the website, but something caught my eye.
There was a course on copywriting.
"Pen to Profit"
Hmm, pretty good name.
So I checked the description, and this is where everything went sideways...
Just for some context, I have no problem with Iman, I like the guy.
Even tho recently he started turning into more of a guru.
But, anyway...
I noticed two things straight away. Well, two sentences...
"proven fill-in-the-blanks copy structure"
"you'll learn how to use A.I. to get all the copy written for you"
Every decent copywriter knows that the first one is total BS.
Only those use it who don't want to do the real work.
Because for every market, every situation, and every time you need different copy.
Copy that worked in the health niche, is not going to work in the fitness niche.
Or copy that worked 10 years ago, isn't going to work now.
It might convert, but you would have way better results with copy researched and written now.
And if you think you can write good copy with fill-ins.
Give some love to the unsubscribe button down there…
And coming onto the second point...
This one caused a lot of controversy recently in the copywriting world.
Everybody is scared of losing their job. And every other guru is trying to sell some kind of prompt bundle.
You have probably heard this a thousand times before, so I will keep it short:
Can A.I. write copy?
Can it write good copy?
It won't be able to write copy that takes into account awareness and sophistication levels.
And those are just two things, there is a lot more going into good copy.
Will it steal your job?
Nope. Unless you write criminal copy. In case you do... hurry up and become good.
Do I use A.I.?
Yes, I use it.
I do use A.I. for general research and sometimes ideas.
But never for writing.
Okay, that was enough of a rant for today...
I will leave you with a question for today.
Is this what copy has turned into? AI and fill-ins?
Feel free to reply to this email(I will read them).
'Till next time
-Kristof “anti-fill-in“ Nemeth
I did a giveaway on Twitter a couple of days back. I flopped really badly so in case you missed it here it is: Everything I know about getting your first client