Why copywriting isn’t an “art”

Here’s the life long question so many fail to find an answer to:

How important creativity is in copywriting?


As far as direct response goes, not much.

The only good use for a creative mind I can think of, is coming up with ideas… Especially for projects and headlines. And even then you need to be very cautious to not get too creative with your idea and end up alienating your prospect.

Because the thing is…

Nobody will be sitting in front of your copy even for just mere seconds and thinking about what you really meant by that “creative” headline.


This is also one of the most common mistakes people make…

They act as if they are real smart and creative…

And then act as all surprised when their packages bite the dust.

You can’t do that.

Copywriters are called “creatives”.

But that doesn’t mean we should be creating these complex creative masterpieces that people won’t understand.

This is not art.

It has an art to it.

But it’s not art.

We need to make it clear as daylight that there’s something for their benefit here.

Creativity can come in handy when you want to bring some intrigue and curiosity into the mix.

But only in certain measures.

So, NO…

I don’t think copywriters are necessarily creative.

At least not in the way creativity is generally referred to.