More of this = More ideas

but also less of this = fewer ideas:

I love walking.

It’s refreshing, healthy, and helps my creativity.

But recently because of college and other stuff, I wasn’t able to take as many afternoon walks as I used to take.

I used to walk daily.

Now I do it like 2 times a week.

And I noticed something very interesting…

The quantity of my ideas dropped. By a significant amount too.

I used to get 10-15 ideas on a good day when I took a walk.


I get maybe like 4-5.

And I know why this is happening.

When I take a walk, there are no distractions, I’m able to fully listen to my thoughts.

But when I’m inside or doing something, I can’t really monitor my mind on that level because I have a task at hand.

And that’s the thing.

The more empty space you give to your mind. The more ideas it will throw at you.

But how do I solve the walking problem?

I do have 2 potential solutions in mind which I will test in the future.

  1. Taking a short walk right after I wake up

  2. Not taking any walks. And just thinking deeply at the end of the day

That’s how I’m planning on solving this for myself.

But if you are someone who needs ideas - good ones especially. I highly recommend taking at least 30-minute walks every day.

It will change your creative life.

If it hadn’t already.

‘Till next time

- Kristof Nemeth