you are leaving money on the table…

I casually placed it on the table.

I thought we would grab it once we were ready.

But since my gf took her time getting ready I kind of forgot about it.


So we got ready, sat on our bikes, and started our journey…

It was fucking hot outside.

Sweat was dripping off me from everywhere… like EVERYWHERE.

We didn’t want to be out for long.

So we stomped on the pedals even harder.

And amongst that big stomping, I had a realization:

“Where are the bike locks?”

“Shit. I left them home.”

“Babe I have to go home quickly, I’ll be back in a minute…”

So I left my girlfriend there and started pedaling home…

I got the lock and successfully collected my gf too.

(And if you are wondering… Yes, I really left my girlfriend just there in the middle of the village for 10 minutes…)

And we were on our way again.

But this wasn’t the first time this happened to me.

No, I leave shit everywhere.

And it’s bad because I lose time with it just because I didn’t think in advance.

So please guys, think in advance, because time is money…

And if you still don’t have an email list as a content creator.

I have a question for you:


You are leaving money on the table like I did it with the lock.

And later you will regret it.

You will have to go back and sacrifice time and money.

So start your email list ASAP.

Look it’s really simple, all you have to do is:

  1. Get a free newsletter from Beehiiv or ConvertKit

  2. Have a solid lead magnet - optional

  3. Plug the signup page/lead magnet page under every single tweet you make

  4. Send emails

  5. Sell something and earn money.

That’s it. And even if you don’t sell something you at least have control over your audience.

But if you need help with setting up and optimizing your just message me here, or reply to this email.

‘Till next time



These are the results I got for my own newsletter after I optimized my funnel: