How to never run out of daily email ideas:

Writing a daily email isn’t rocket science.

I know, I do it(even though I don’t publish an email daily, I write one daily).

But most people here have never even tried writing a daily email because they are afraid of running out of ideas.

Maybe some of you have tried it and quit because of this.

And I get it.

The hardest part of writing daily, for me, is coming up with what to write about.

From that point on it’s child’s play. Pour your thoughts on paper, edit up, and send it(if you want to).

But don’t think that the idea problem can’t be solved.

Here’s a tip I shamelessly swiped from Daniel Throssel doing exactly that:


“Give the talk only you can give based on your experience, and it will be interesting and valuable to everyone in the room.”


Now… Tell me this doesn’t make sense.

You can’t.

You talking is your email. And the room is your list.

This quote is packed with insights, and it opened my eyes to lot of things.

But let’s just stay with daily emails.

The biggest & most successful email list in copywriting all do this.

Maybe not in every email, but certainly in 95% of emails, in some way or form, they tie in their experiences.

Think about it…

Even the most worthless lesson(”your health is important”) can become 10x more valuable just by slapping you experience into the mix.


It gives your content instant credibility.

It tells people that you aren’t just selling hot air and reading aloud from a book, but that you really tried it, you went through the shit and you came up with a conclusion.


It doesn’t even have to be in a story.

If you look closely, I tied in my own experience into this email but it wasn’t in the form of a story.


But why am I sharing something so obvious?

Because people miss, ignore or don’t take into account obvious things. Things that if they were to just look past their simplicity, they would work like magic.


When I started with daily emails I was hesitant whether I could write about my own experience.

I thought my know-how and background wouldn’t be valuable to someone else.

But I’m here to tell you…

If you have similar thoughts, it’s only your brain playing games on you.

Ignore them.

Your experience is the most valuable thing you can give to someone else.