I was way too "free"

5 days ago I came over to my girl's place.

When I’m here I try to work as little as humanly possible (while still making some progress) so I can spend more time with her.

But there’s a problem.

When I’m home, I have a fixed routine. I know every minute what I’m doing and what I will be doing that next minute.

Here I don’t have such a thing.

So in the last 5 days, my work was bleeding because of it.

Every morning I sat down to work for a couple of hours(while she was still asleep), and for some reason I ended up going around in meaningless circles not accomplishing anything.

I was checking my emails to see whether there was some work to do or not.

I was checking Twitter for notifications.

I was writing some tweets because I had no email idea.

I was doing everything, besides working.

And the fact that I know I need to work, but I still don’t do it… Pisses me off every single time.

So this morning I got fed up and set down to see what was the missing piece.

After 5 minutes of journaling, I found it…

I was too “free”.

In other words, I had no routine. No strict plan was laid out in front of me that would say what I needed to do and when I needed to do it.

And this wasn’t the first time this happened.

There were numerous times when I was home and I ended up going in circles doing meaningless tasks just because I didn’t clarify what I would need to do.

I already solved that earlier by planning the day before and having a routine.

But for some reason when I came over to my girl I didn’t think these were necessary.

I thought I would be able to sit down and do work.

I thought my brain would know what are the important tasks that need compilation.

Well, I was wrong.

I learned my lesson and was reminded again of how important planning and routines are.

Never trust your brain to do something hard on its own.

You have to nudge him.