Work is my least important priority

If you are a “hustler” you’ll despise me for what I’m about to say. But I don’t care.

For the last 4 months, I have been working ~13-hour days.

I was a hustler.

Work was my first priority and I sacrificed parts of my life I shouldn’t have sacrificed.

I let it swallow me, my time, and my thoughts.

And because of this “work above everything” mindset I constantly felt like…

I wasn’t doing enough, even tho I worked all day every day.

And I feared getting left behind…

I certainly achieved things. Things I’m proud of.

But I also lost more important things. And those I’m not proud of.

Now I’m no longer a ‘hustler’. I quit it for good.

It wasn’t easy because it was part of my mindset.

And changing your mindset isn’t that easy, right?

But just before I quit I found an article that made the process of quitting much easier.

The article was about a speech the former CEO of Coca-Cola - Brian Dyson - made.

It went like this:

He told the audience to imagine life as a game of juggling five balls — and the goal is not to let any of them fall.

The five balls are work, family, health, friends, and spirit. All the balls are glass except the work ball, which is rubber.

If the rubber ball falls, it will bounce back, intact, unaffected.

But if one of the glass balls were to fall:

“It will be irrevocably scuffed, marked, nicked, damaged, even shattered,” said Dyson. “It will never be the same,” he said.

Now I want you to read that again. And again.


These 6 sentences completely changed my perspective on work.

It went from…

“Work above everything”


“Everything above work” (Of course not everything, but certainly those other 4 things)

And just to clarify…

I have no problem with hustlers. I still work a lot.

And I believe you need to work to achieve things in life.

But I do have a problem with the “work all day every day” mindset and lifestyle they preach.

So if you are struggling with balance as a creative person.

I truly hope this advice will help you as much as it helped me.

‘Till next time



I highly recommend you give a read to the whole article. I wouldn’t recommend something I would know it’s not worth your time. But I’m 100% sure this is worth it.