Writers will do anything just to avoid writing

Just yesterday I did a recap of 2023.

It was a great year(I hope the same is true for you), but as I was going through all the things I achieved and all the things I didn’t achieve…

I was a little shocked by how many times I self-sabotaged myself.

I will explain this in a minute, but first…

There’s a saying that goes something like this:

“A writer will do anything just to avoid writing.”

I read this once somewhere and since then it’s been engraved into my conscious. I can’t delete it because it’s so true.

It does not fucking matter how much you love to write.

If you write every day you see it for yourself.

I for sure do.

I sit down to write something and in 5 minutes I find myself going throught my phone. Another 2 minutes later I’m going throught my emails. And another 3 minutes and I have given up because of writers block…

I’m pretty sure I’m not alone with this one.

Look, writing is hard, it takes a lot of thinking. And thinking is something we don’t like to do. So our brain does everything in his power to discourage the idea of writing.

Yes, even if it causes self sabotage.

But this isn’t just exclusive to writing.

This is true for every single hard thing in the world. Working out. Prospecting. Engaging on X. Studying for exams. Whatever…

You will come across self sabotage.

You will find yourself putting unnecessary, sometimes even stupid roadblocks and problem right across your tracks. Things that will stop you dead from making any real progress.

In the heat of the moment, most people think these are real problems.

But 95% of them aren’t.

They are all made up. Fiction.

And their sole purpose is to slow yourself down and avoid pain.

You need to bust through these. If you don’t, over time you will realize how blind you were and you will only have one thing left…


I created a lot of these self-sabotages this year.

But if nothing else… At least now I’m better at recognizing them.

Anyway… Happy New Year…

And make this year the year when you bust through those roadblocks.